Video Wall Rentals
AVR Expos specializes in LED tile and seamless video wall rentals, perfect for events, meetings, and trade shows. Our customizable panels are designed to make a significant impact on your audience. Contact us today to explore our extensive rental inventory and competitive rates. Our Video Wall Rentals offer a unique way to highlight your products, setting you apart from others. With over two decades of dedication, we’ve acquired the most advanced LED video wall tile and seamless panel technologies in the market. Our rental options include 1.5mm, 1.9mm, 2.5mm, 2.6mm, and 3.9mm LED tiles from top brands like Absen, AOTO, beMatrix, INFiLED, and Unilumin.
AVRexpos offers ground support and hanging options
The 2.6mm Unilumin UPAD III
The 2.6mm Unilumin UPAD Ill indoor tiles create a new standard in LED.
The ultra lightweight
The ultra-lightweight, efficient in design is versatile.
curving plates
The optional curving plates allow for up to 5-degree convex and 10-degree concave curves.